Name: Vernon Kronenberg
Married to: Naomi Kronenberg (1940 – 2004)
Children: Son - Adam.
Where I live now: Canberra, Australia
Occupation: Retired
Education: Ba (Hons),  MA,  PhD
Betar Camps: Kinglake West Camp 1964 (Yes, I’m in the picture somewhere) to 1963
Positions Held: Tent & stretcher Erector, Madrich, Mefaked NSW,
My Madrichim: David Cuickerman, Danny Rosing, Larry Sitsky, Gad Pedazur
People who I still see or keep in contact with: Both Sitskys, Raffi, Pam, Margaret, Keedas
How I came to Join: My mother wanted to get rid of me
Something Special that Happened: HAPPENED I met my future wife at the 1956 May Camp, Bobbin Head, Sydney
Vernon Kronenberg
Contributed: 2015